$Id: pinout.txt,v 1.1 2005/10/30 02:58:57 carton Exp $ -- ivy wires RJ12 wire (serial, maplebus, generic) 1,6 - 6,1 2,3 - 5,4 4,5 - 3,2 RJ12 wire (POTS, LocalTalk) 1,6 - 6,1 2,5 - 5,2 3,4 - 4,3 RJ45 wire (straight) 1,2 - 1,2 3,6 - 3,6 5,4 - 5,4 7,8 - 7,8 RJ45 wire (crossover) 1,2 - 3,6 3,6 - 1,2 5,4 - 7,8 <--tricky 7,8 - 5,4 <-/ ^^^^^^^^^ no. not like this. this isn't what gigabit ethernet likes. instead, 4,5 - 7,8. serial +------------+ / /| -------------+ +-+ | 1 ---- | | | | 2 ---- | | | | 3 ---- | | | | 4 ---- | +-+ | | 5 ---- | | | 6 ---- |-+ -------------+ The Ivy Ministries Cheapass Serial pinout changed around June 2003 to swap RTS and CTS, with the intent of better matching Digital MMJ equipment. With the new pinout, it should be possible to cut or sand off the tab on the RJ12 and tape it into an MMJ jack. In 2003-11-28 I rounded up all the dongles I could find and corrected their pinouts. However I left some wiring with Leah in the Philippines which uses the old pinout. On 2004-07-01 I got a vt420 with MMJ and discovered this pinout doesn't match Digital's. It's a mirror image. goddamnit. I think the mistake I made is that my system is an all-male system, so all these pinouts describe the meaning of a male pigtail sticking off a device, which needs to be connected to another male pigtail using a ``rollover'' female-to-female RJ12 adapter block. while Digital describes the pinout of the female jack on the back of their equipment. so, in order to make the female jack into a male pigtail, I end up using a rollover cable, and then the pin assignments aren't what I meant any more. RJ12 -- old 1 CTS 2 TX- 3 TX+ 4 RX+ 5 RX- 6 RTS RJ12 -- new 1 RTS 2 TX- 3 TX+ 4 RX+ 5 RX- 6 CTS MMJ (note 6 .. 1, backwards) 6 RTS 5 TX- 4 TX+ 3 RX+ 2 RX- 1 CTS Mac (Sun?) 1 RTS <-- for Sun this is DTR, an output pin. :( 3 TX- 6 TX+ <-- do NOT connect to pin4 (GND) 4,8 RX+ 5 RX- 2 CTS 7 float (DCD) Note there is no DTE/DCE with Mac connectors. MiniDin8-MiniDin8 serial cables for the Mac are crossover. Sun MiniDin8 alternate ``from IPC manual'' 6 RTS 3 TX- 4 TX+ 4 RX+ 5 RX- 2 CTS 1 -+ 7 -/ 8 float (synchronous) DB9 female DTE (PeeCee) 7 RTS 3 TX- 5 TX+ 5 RX+ 2 RX- 8 CTS 4 -\ 6 -+ 1 -/ Lucent Cajun 333T RJ45 7 RTS 3 TX- 5 TX+ 5 RX+ 2 RX- 8 CTS 4--+ 6-/ DB9 male DCE (PDA, wireless modem) 8 RTS 2 TX- 5 TX+ 5 RX+ 3 RX- 7 CTS 6 -+ 4 -/ 1 float (DCD) DB25 male DCE (Modem) 5 RTS 3 TX- 7 TX+ 7 RX+ 2 RX- 4 CTS 6 --+ 20 -/ DB25 male DTE (Sun) DB25 female DTE (PeeCee) 4 RTS 2 TX- 7 TX+ 7 RX+ 3 RX- 5 CTS 6 --\ 8 --+ 20 -/ DB25 male (dual Sun) [Port A: as above. Port B:] 19 RTS 14 TX- 7 TX+ 7 RX+ 16 RX- 13 CTS 12 -+ 10 -/ <-- 10 is supposed to be ``- Voltage''. probably worth verifying. Efficient 5851 or Flowpoint 2200 RJ45 console jack -- unconfirmed. i can't get this to do anything useful. i'm not sure what the console jack is supposed to do. 2 RTS 4 TX- 5 TX+ 5 RX+ 1 RX- 6 CTS Cabletron EMME (Ethernet Management Module with Ethernet, a card with RJ45 console for a 10Mbit/s managed hub) nc----- 1 TX- \ 5 TX+ \ 5 RX+ / 4 RX- / nc----- 2-+ (dsr) 6/ (dtr) Cisco (don't think too hard about this. use it to make a male RJ45 plug that goes into a Cisco console jack, and don't think at all about the fact that Cisco also uses rollover cables.) 8 RTS 3 TX- 4 TX+ 5 RX+ 6 RX- 1 CTS 2 -+ 7 / Xyplex some people say RTS and CTS are swapped on Xyplex, but the people who say that instruct you to make Xyplex<->Cisco cables that swap RTS and CTS, but then instruct you to make Xyplex<->9pin PeeCee cables in exactly the same way that Cisco does. I'd say hook the flow control up to DSR and DTR, and don't even hook up CTS or RTS, because Xyplex are DECish and seem to have some affinity for it. 2 DTR 3 TX- 4 TX+ 5 RX+ 6 RX- 7 DCE 1 -+ (?) 8 / Sun Netra RJ45 1 RTS 3 TX- 4 TX+ 5 RX+ 6 RX- 8 CTS 2 -+ 7 / RS232/RS485 electrical signaling current RS232 RS422 loop Mark 1 stop bit, idle line generate -5 to -15V B more pos accept -3 to -25V than A 20mA 0V? Space 0 start bit, BREAK generate +5 to +15V B more neg open asserted DTR, CTS, accept +3 to +25V than A TX: <1kohm hsk, dtr <60 ohm (wire impedance <100ohm TX, clock term. by 120 ohm at both ends, then less for bias resistors) RS485/422 Mac RS232-polarity? B TX+,RX+ no A TX-,TX- yes maple bus (for the RJ12 plug coming from a controller. the pigtail soldered into the DC is opposite this.) 2 (+5v) 1 data-and-clock 3 (GND), 4 (device-present), shield 5 data-and-clock 3 (GND), 4 (device-present), shield 2 (+5v) shield / +-----v-----+ | +-=-=-=-+ | | | 1 3 5 | | | \ 2 4 / | \ +-=-=-+ / \_________/ Maple bus jack -- ps/2 keyboard ps/2 mouse Tommy's pinout collection AT keyboard connector (DIN5) Connector Pin # Purpose Pin 1 KBDCLK (clock) Pin 2 KBDAT (data) Pin 3 KBRST (reset, not used) Pin 4 GND Pin 5 VCC (+5V) DIN5 male connector PS/2 keyboard connector (MINI-DIN6) Connector Pin # Purpose Pin 1 KBDAT (data) Pin 2 not used Pin 3 GND Pin 4 VCC (+5V) Pin 5 KBDCLK (clock) Pin 6 not used MINI-DIN6 male connector Note: PS/2 mouse connector pinout is identical to PS/2 keyboard. Our expertise: -- Toshiba Libretto page Signal CPU M/K K ----------------------------- DATA 1 1 - DATA 2nd 2 - 1 GND 3 3 3 VCC 4 4 4 CLK 5 5 - CLK 2nd 6 - 5 - Pin numbering schemes Male PS/2 connector: Female PS/2 connector: 5 x | x 6 6 o | o 5 3 x x 4 4 o o 3 1 x x 2 2 o o 1 The first connector, M/K, can be used to attach a mouse or a keyboard. If a mouse is connected to M/K, the second connector, K, can be used to attach a keyboard. (A mouse will not work on connector K.) !!! The adapter layout presented in `HwB: The Hardware Book' (formerly http://www.blackdown.org/~hwb/hwb.html, now offline except for mirrors, e.g. http://nt.comtec.co.kr/doc/connectors/hwb/hwb.html) is wrong !!! -- mac serial sun serial SUN IPX Serial Port 8Pin DIN _____ /8 7 6\ |5 4 3| \ 2 1 / ----- 1 DTR 2 CTS 3 Tx- 4 GND 5 Rx- 6 Tx+ 7 DCD 8 Rx+ [note that rs232 is active-low, and in these pinouts that means Tx- and Rx- are the right polarity to be signal pins, while Tx+ and Rx+ should be grounded. The popular Digital MMJ pinouts are insane in the other direction. --Miles] Mac-to-standard adapter > HSKi 2 ---------------------- 5 CTS > TxD- 3 ---------------------- 2 TxD > GND 4 ---------------------- 7 SG > RxD- 5 ---------------------- 3 RxD > GPi 7 ---------------------- 8 DCD > HsKo 1 ------------------+--- 20 DTR > GND 4 ---+ ! > ! ! > RxD+ 8 ---+ +--- 4 RTS A mac Modem cable is a straight cable din-8 to DB-25. A mac Printer cable is a null modem din-8 to DB-25. A mac serial cable is a null modem din-8 to din-8. [pin 6 is probably TxD+, based on process-of-elimination, the Sun pinout, and its physical proximity to its current-loop pair in the miniDIN8. --Miles] from other sites: Mini DIN-8 MacintoshPlus Serial Cable Pinout (one of many Mac serial cables) -------------------------------------------- 1 HSKo Output Handshake (Zilog 8530 DTR pin) 2 HSKi/CLK Input Handshake *OR* External Clock 3 TxD- Transmit data (-) 4 Ground Signal ground 5 RxD- Receive data (-) 6 TxD+ Transmit data (+) 7 N/C (no connection) 8 RxD+ Receive data (+) Note that DB-25 pin 6, 15, 22, 24, and 25 are not supported on the Sun serial port adapter cable. The 1st pinout below is taken from the SparcStation IPC Installation Guide. DIN-8 DB-25 Signal Description Pin Pin ---------------------------------------- 1 20 DTR Data Terminal Ready 2 5 CTS Clear to Send 3 2 TXD Transmit Data 4 7 GND Ground 5 3 RXD Receive Data 6 4 RTS Request to Send 7 8 DCD Data Carrier Detect 8 17 RTXC Receive Clock N/A 6 DSR Data Set Ready - not used N/A 15 DB Transmit Clock - not used N/A 22 RI Ring Indicator - not connected N/A 24 DA Transmit Clock - not used N/A 25 - Not connected -- peecee serial [This is for the sloppy 9-pin ports on PeeCee's. DTE-ness or DCE-ness is unknown. Pinout of the 10-pin 0.1" connector also unknown. --Miles] Pin Nmenomic Description 1 CD Carrier Detect 2 RD Receive Data 3 TD Transmit Data 4 DTR Data Terminal Ready 5 GND Signal Ground 6 DSR Data Set Ready 7 RTS Request To Send 8 CTS Clear To Send 9 RI Ring Indicator The PC-compatible DB9 connector pinout follows: [presumably, for DTE] 1. Data Carrier Detect (DCD) 2. Received Data 3. Transmit Data 4. Data Terminal Ready (DTR) 5. Ground 6. Data Set Ready (DSR) 7. Request To Send (RTS) 8. Clear To Send 9. floating The MicroVAX DB9 console connector pinout predates the PC-style DB9 pinout, and uses a then-common (older) standard pinout, and uses the following EIA-232-standard signals: 1. Protective Ground 2. Transmited Data 3. Received Data 4. Request To Send (RTS) 5. Data Terminal Ready (DTR) 6. Data Set Ready (DSR) 7. Signal Ground 8. Shorted to pin 9 on MicroVAX and VAXstation 2000... 9. ...series systems, otherwise left floating. -- digital serial Looking at the back of a VT320 for example the MMJ looks something like this. -------------------- | * * * * * * | -------------- -- |____| 1 2 3 4 5 6 are the pinout numbers The signals are: # I/0 Desc 1 > DTR Data Terminal Ready 2 > TXD Transmit Data 3 - TXD- (ie Gnd) 4 - RXD- (ie Gnd) 5 < RXD Receive Data 6 < DSR Data Set Ready > = terminal or computer output signal < = terminal or computer input signal [MMJ serial is a current-loop, so the supposed signal directionality here is dubious. MMJ wires are mirror-image like POTS phone wires. --Miles] [corroberation:] DECconnect DEC-423 MMJ pinout: Note: MMJ #6 is keyed 1. Data Terminal Ready (DTR) 2. Transmit (TXD) 3. Transmit Ground (TXD-) 4. Receive Ground (RXD-) 5. Receive (RXD) 6. Data Set Ready (DSR) -- Rs-232 Pin Configuraton ----------------------- [for DTE, including dual A/B on Sun --Miles] 1 Protective Ground 2 Transmitted Data 3 Received Data 4 Request to Send 5 Clear to Send 6 Data Set Ready 7 Signal Ground/Common Return 8 Received Line Signal Detector 9 + Voltage 10 - Voltage 11 undefined 12 Secondary Received Line Signal Detector 13 Secondary Clear to Send 14 Secondary Transmitted Data 15 DCE Transmitter Signal Element Timing 16 Secondary Received Data 17 Receiver Signal Element Timing 18 undefined 19 Secondary Request to Send 20 Data Terminal Ready 21 Signal Quality Detector 22 Ring Indicator 23 Data Signal Rate Selector 24 DTE Transmitter Signal Element Timing 25 undefined RJ-45 (8-wire) modular connector pin-color configuration -------------------------------------------------------- (1)(2)(3)(4)(5) (6)(7)(8)(9) ----- 1 blue [DTR] _| |_ 2 orange [GND] | | 3 black [CTS] |--- ---| 4 red [RXD] | | 5 green [TXD] | | | | | | | | | | 6 yellow [RTS] | | | | | | | | | | 7 brown [DSR] | 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 | 8 white or gray [DCD] FRONT VIEW *color scheme may be different for different manufacturer RS-232 to Modular Normal Connector pin configuration (DB-25 to RJ45) ---------------------------------------------------- 2 <-red 3 <-green 4 <-yellow 5 <-black 6 <-brown 7 <-orange 8 <-white 20 <-blue RS-232 to Modular NULL Connector pin configuration (DB-25 to RJ45) -------------------------------------------------- 2 <-green 3 <-red 4 <-black 5 <-yellow 6 <-white + jumper 7 <-brown 8 <-jumper 20 <-blue + orange Force Connector pin configuration (DB-9 to RJ-45) --------------------------------- 1 <-grey [DCD] 2 <-red [TXD] 3 <-green [RXD] 4 <-blue [DTR] 5 <-orange [GND] 6 <-brown [DSR] 7 <-jumper [RTS] (should be yellow) 8 <-jumper [CTS] (should be black) 9 empty Ironics IV-3220 Connector Pin Configuration ------------------------------------------- 2 <-green 3 <-red 5 <-orange 1,4,6-9 empty Motorola MVME-135 DB-9 8Connector -------------------------------- 1 <-grey or white 2 <-red 3 <-green 4 <-blue 5 <-orange 6 <-brown 7 <-yellow 8 <-black 9 empty Radstone PME 68-25 Connector pin configuration ---------------------------------------------- 1 <-orange 2 <-green 4 <-red 3,5-9 are empty Mizar Connector pin configuration * --------------------------------- 1 <-green 2 <-yellow 3 <-black 7 <-red * This board uses special cable. (RJ11 -> RJ45) Pin #1 in RJ11 connects to pin #2 in RJ45. See Fred if still confused. SLC Dual serial port connector ------------------------------ 1 2 red-> 2 green-> 3 yellow-> 4 black-> 5 brown-> 6 orange-> 7 <-orange slate-> 8 12 <-slate 13 <-black 14 <-red 16 <-green 19 <-yellow blue-> 20 SPARC serial connector ---------------------- 1 <-orange 2 <-green 3 <-red 4 <-black 5 <-yellow 6 empty 7 <-slate 8 <-blue SGI 15 pin serial connector (SUN1E connector works) --------------------------- 1 <- (GRND) 2 <- (TXMIT) 3 <- (RCV) 15 <- (GRND) Cyclone 960 (CMVE960) Connector Pin Configuration ------------------------------------------------- 1 <-blue (DCD) 2 <-red (RxD) 3 <-green (TxD) 4 <-brown (DTR) 5 <-orange (GND) 6 empty 7 <-yellow (RTS) 8 <-black (CTS) 9 empty IRONICS ivSPRC Connector Pin Configuration ------------------------------------------ 1 <-grey or white 2 <-green 3 <-red 4 <-blue 5 <-orange 6 <-brown 7 <-yellow 8 <-black 9 empty i86 9-Pin Serial Connector Pin (Regular) ---------------------------------------- 1 empty 2 <- red 3 <- green 4 empty 5 <- orange 6 empty 7 empty 8 empty 9 empty i86 9-Pin Serial Connector Pin (Null Modem) ------------------------------------------- 1 empty 2 <- green 3 <- red 4 empty 5 <- orange 6 empty 7 empty 8 empty 9 empty i86 9-Pin note: To connect two i86 serial prots together, use one 9-Pin serial and one 9-Pin null modem. (bhc) Fujitsu MB-930 thru MB934 Serial connector Ribbon to Standard DB-25 pin connector Note, Serial channel will not respond without proper DTR/DSR and CTS signals. If these are not connected, no output will appear. 1 <- black 2 <- green 3 <- red 4 <- brown 5 <- white 6 <- blue 7 <- yellow 20 <- orange Netrom Console Serial adaptor... DTE 2 <- yellow 3 <- black 4 <- red Netrom Console Serial adaptor... Correct RJ-45 D-25 --------------------- 1: RTS blue - CTS 5 2: DTR orange - DCD 8 3: TxD black - RxD 3 4: GND red - Ground 7 5: GND green - Ground 7 6: RxD yellow - TxD 2 7: DSR brown - DTR 20 8: CTS white - RTS 4 Motorola 1305 PowerBase Adaptor RJ45 DB-25 --------------------- 1 blue - DCD 8 2 orange - RTS 4 3 black - GND 7 4 red - TxD 2 5 green - RxD 3 6 yellow - GND 1 7 brown - CTS 5 8 white - DTR 20 QE Test Room Terminal Server. RJ45 DB-25 ------------------ 1 blue DTR 20 2 orange RTS 4 3 black Gnd 1 4 red TxD 2 5 green RxD 3 6 yellow Gnd 7 7 brown CTS 5 8 white DSR 6 --