Re: [zfs-discuss] ZFS poor performance on Areca 1231ML

>>>>> "rb" == Ross Becker <ross@XXX> writes:

    rb> Otherwise, I may dump the JBOD and go back to the
    rb> controller-based RAID.

try smaller vdev's for better performance.  for raidz2, n^2 + 2.  so
try maybe two vdevs of 6 disks each plus a hotspare shared by both.

for seek-heavy workloads the consensus expectation for 6 disk raidz2
vdev is indeed 1/4 the performance of raid6.  but for streaming reads
and writes it's hoped to be about the same.  It's interesting what you
actually find though.

Check that the areca's write cache is still enabled when it's in JBOD
mode.  Is that checkable?  Is there some other mode you can try, where
you make 12 RAID0 sets each containing 1 disk?

I've a few rants about raid-on-a-card and don't like it, but you're
unlikely to be swayed by them because you no doubt think the areca is
the most awesome card ever and are probably right.

However there are corruption bugs in ZFS which are always a problem,
but are worse if you have no zpool-level redundancy, so if you use the
areca to do RAID, you'll be more vulnerable to them.

also there are a variety of problems where ZFS will declare a pool
corrupt and refuse to import it, or will lock up or panic every time
it tries to import the pool, and it sounds like sometimes you can get
your data back if you edit the code to bypass the ``sanity check'' and
import the pool anyway but if you are not a ZFS developer this isn't
an option for you, so the pool may as well be dead just because it
failed to pass some ``sanity check''.  In short, afaict ZFS is
approximately like UFS+logging (also ``always consistent on disk''),
except without fsck_ufs and with more bugs to work out, and of course
with some really important new features.

Because of these two problems, no matter what you use to do the raid,
if the data is irreplaceable you should store it on two separate
filesystems (two zpools on two machines, or a zpool and something else).

Finally, when doing backups of your pool to protect it from corruption
as just advised, the 'zfs send' format is not robust like 'tar'.  If
you flip one bit early in the stream, the entire stream is lost
(emphatically untrue of tar).  And there is no tool to validate a
stream without extracting it.  There is no mechanism to extract a
stream of one version onto a filesystem of another---so far, it always
works AFAIK, but if it ever didn't, you're SOL as there's no clear
consensus to support this and probably no regression test for it, and
there is no zfs-recv-onto-UFS recovery tool analagous to 'ufsrestore'
that will extract onto notZFS, or extract a small file from the middle
of a gigantic stream.  Therefore you can only use zfs send as
immediate input to 'zfs recv' and should use GNU tar or something else
if you want to write a stream to tape or store streams on some
archival filesystem.

this is all in the list.  Maybe flip through the last month or two of
postings.  I sure wish I had, before I'd converted a bunch of stuff to

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