>>>>> "sk" == Steven Kreuzer <skreuzer@xxx> writes: >>>>> "gr" == George Rosamond <george@xxx> writes: sk> RAID 3 is that it generally cannot service multiple requests sk> simultaneously. [...] I would stay the hell away from RAID 3, sk> both hardware and software implementations well, I'd stay the hell away from something because it can lose data or cause filesystem corruption during a power loss that wouldn't have happened to a filesystem on a single disk. RAID5 can do this when there is no NVRAM because of the ``RAID5 write hole''. RAID3 doesn't have this hole in FreeBSD (AIUI), because the UFS blocksize is increased from 512 to cover an entire stripe. The write hole would be the sort of reason that would trigger ``stay the hell away from'' in my mind, not so much ``it's slower for seek-heavy workloads.'' that's my reason for saying RAID3, and I think also the reason FreeBSD bothered to implement it (and implement the variable blocksize for UFS to go on top of it). but I'm not sure. I hope I'm not leading you wrong. It makes sense to me, but the manual pages are so short, and there isn't an easy way to just test the ideas rather than reading all my ranty speculations. gr> That would be my position Andy. . . I would rather just stick gr> to hardware. yeah maybe. again, I'm heavy on ranting and short on experience, but at least going from my _friends'_ experience with hardware RAID, I intend to stay the hell away from any RAID-on-a-card, period. First, many of them don't have an NVRAM. Some have something they call an NVRAM, but they use it to store metadata, not for a write cache to plug the RAID5 write hole. This is the whole reason for doing hardware RAID: to get that NVRAM to fix the RAID5 write hole. Second, there are too many horror stories of RAID cards losing entire arrays. The card goes bad or gets confused. It's part of Dell's card-of-the-month club, and a replacement card is unobtainable, and new cards won't work with the array. Or the array's metadata was stored on the old card's so-called-but-not-really NVRAM, so the new card understands the old array but won't recognize it. or the configurator tool is clunky and buggy and won't give back your array, or there's more than one configurator like one in BIOS and one in DOS and one in Windows, and only one tool works and the others are decoys, or whatever. With software RAID, you can back up your metadata on _paper_ if you want to, and type it in by hand---the array will still work. If you're concerned about your method of paper backup, you can test it on a non-live filesystem. Deliberately delete/confuse your metadata, and force-recreate the array, see if it passes fsck and 'pax -r . > /dev/null'. Keep trying until you have a written procedure that works. Label the physical disks with their names on the sheet of paper (so you've recorded their stripe ordering). so there is less possibility software RAID will refuse to see your array because some little pointer block got mangled, than with the card-RAID. And you don't have to worry about multiple opaque configurator tools---there's just one, and it's native to the OS, and it's available on the LiveCD/installCD/whatever. With software RAID, there's no concern about not being able to obtain a card that matches the array structure. Even if geom changes its structure, you can more easily document which version of FreeBSD you used than which Dell card-of-the-month they shipped. And you can always obtain that old version of FreeBSD at any time in the future. Software RAID thus solves all the ``second'' problems with RAID-on-a-card, if you are a good sysadmin, or has them worse than ever if you're a bad one. And RAID3 instead of RAID5 solves the First problems with RAID-on-a-card, as I understand it. I'm sure a bunch of people can chime in and say ``I've used RAID-on-a-card, and I can't stress enough how close to zero is the number of problems I've had with it. It is really close to zero. It's so unbelieveably close to zero, it IS zero, so I think it must be very trustworthy.'' Well, that's great, I'm just saying I've heard more than one story from someone who HAS had some stupid problem with some expensive RAID-on-a-card that they really shouldn't be having. so basically it all sucks. :) Honestly if what you want is a ``backup'' I would do nightly rsync, maybe with some kind of sanity-check. mirroring is more for continuity, when you don't want to lose availability when a disk fails (even then it's a little hard to make it live up to its promise because a slowly failing disk will start taking 30 seconds instead of 30 milliseconds to answer requests---it stays in the array but slows your machine to 1/1000th speed, so you call it ``crashed''. The bad disk ``crashed'' my machine.). or mirroring for speed, if you want the seek bandwidth of an extra spindle for reads. not so much for backup, IMHO, but definitely not worthless for that purpose I guess, and used successfully by a few friends who saw disk failures. A mirror is also very nice for snapshots. You can break the mirror, do something dangerous, and then resync it only if you succeed. Sometimes either side of the mirror is bootable, so that's extremely nice.
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