>>>>> "a" == alex <alex@xxx> writes: a> If you are still interested, I'm on good terms with james, and a> can probably get it hooked up again or something. sure. I dunno though, he really dislikes me. He will also say, ``use SixXS''. The reason I can't use SixXS is that they forbid both irc servers and non-irc shell servers, that they have a pattern of cutting people off without warning, and that I'm not sure they have a working POP in NYC metro area (maybe just a ``planned'' one or something? it is hard to tell without jumping through the 10 easy hoops.). I'd be happy to make subtunnels to your customers also. I was already giving 2 or 3 people a /56. a> I think all of that above are signs of trying to keep the a> children away personally. I think a better way would be to insist they use BGP. I understand the policies are related to ``irc children,'' but I think when you look at what SixXS is actually doing and its effect compared to other (demonstrably working) approaches at he, freenet6, xs26, it's more about demonstrating their hatred for the ``children'' than for practical reasons. I also think they're pretty childish themselves, though maybe I shouldn't talk when I'm being so absolutist. And anyway, I think it's all an unfortunate consequence of this blame-the-victim DDoS attitude. If you want to hate someone, hate the DDoSers themselves, or at least hate the customers whose neglected machines end up in botnets, and the ISP's who know it but don't care because the traffic of a single bot is no problem to them. It never seemed right to me to hate the guy being DDoSed. It didn't seem right to me even if he was being thoroughly obnoxious on irc, though honestly it seems usually the guy is just standing up for himself or refusing to kneel to the lord-of-the-flies. I think as Americans we have a right to be thoroughly obnoxious on irc and risk nothing more than getting ourselves or maybe our whole shellhost or even whole netblock banned or KLINEd. DDoS is not an acceptable third penalty. It seems like the sort of thing that would happen in China. Some guy gets beat up by a bunch of corrupt cops bought off by $RICHGUY, and ordinary people start hurling stones at him, too, and refusing to talk to him or his family, and saying that he was ``asking for it'' by speaking his mind. It's backwards and frankly unamerican. Better yet, don't hate anyone. Work on some way to fix it. If some markedroid changes his mind, and over a couple months there's some kind of upstream-bandwidth-bidding-war, residential upstreams will stop being so asymmetrically thin, and this DDoS thing is going to be a true disaster instead of a slow-motion disaster. I think we are on the brink of a world where this blame-the-victim attitude isn't just morally wrong, but also totally ineffective. I don't know if I should wish it to happen soon, or to not happen. But we need some efficient way to block traffic---one that works slightly differently than spam-blacklists so it can be safely left unattended without getting used politically. And some scheme to incent the Level3's and Comcasts of the Internet to do uRPF. a> Its a free service. If you want no restrictions, pay for a> proper v6 transit. :) just tell me where to sign. James is ``apolitical'', and his v6 transit for his colo customer Seth Hardy was down more often than my free tunnel, so I'm not paying him for a colo. Seth had billing problems, too. The OCCAID tunnel stayed up well, though. I guess I'd pay him for that tunnel iff it was as reliable as before, and iff he delivered it with an acceptable AUP which definitely wouldn't include DNS spam rules. he.net does not colocate in NYC---they are many ms away. Before I signed on with you, I spent months trying to make a special deal with them. They wanted $40/mo for power and 1U in NYIIX plus $200/mo for an Ethernet port capped at 1.5Mbit/s. I had the first layer of papers signed and faxed and everything, then there was some gotchya. now the deal is long forgotten. After losing OCCAID I honestly thought of trying to move my T1 and hurricane. But, (1) their sales guy wasted literally months of my time with his confusion and late replies last time I tried to get that half-finished package. It'd take more months just to explain my way back to where I was. and, (2) they want me to terminate the T1 myself which means I have to get a Sangoma card, which (2a) is not well-supported and un-bitrotted on FreeBSD/sparc64 and (2b) means I can't use a PCI NIC any more, and FreeBSD doesn't do interrupt mitigation or device polling on my built-in GEM/ERI interfaces. and (3) I think they might be not very good. :) a> Why are you so in love with irc? ;) well first of all I honestly don't use it just for irc. The web/mail server is v6-accessible. All the LAN windows and linux desktop boxes and the free wireless connect to the outside world with static v6 addresses. I had as many people ssh-ing to my shellhost from CCC Berlin and CCC Cologne as I did connecting to the irc server if not more. but as for irc... 1. you stop first! 2. i'm in love with the Internet, which means no port blocking goddamnit. 3. i like having users and other sysadmins around who use the Internet in the old Unix way, which is built around text and language, and things that run quietly far away for months at a time. I am probably paying ~$100/mo in electricity for people I am giving free colos. many of *these* people like irc, and I don't want to disappoint them or pass on fascist condescending restrictions to them that undermine the Internet idea that I love. 4. sometimes the hobbyist projects I like to do involve adding network gizmos, like v6 or tinc-vpn or fake-DNS-for-rfc1918 or whatever, and irc is one of the neatest ways to test it and say ``look, it works!'' 5. irc is a challenge because its users complain about extremely small outages or QoS problems. a> irc is a waste of time at best, and ddos target at worst... 1. you stop first. :) 2. almost 2yrs and no ddos yet. We are lucky I guess. a> I see, you want both A and AAAA. I guess that make a> sense. Yeah, I googled a bit and I dont see registrar that a> supports v6 either. oh wait, it's ok with me if there isn't AAAA in my ivy.net glue from Gandi. Maybe I shouldn't have said ``glue''. I just meant, if you turn on v6 you better make sure it works well, because if not DNS will get flakey since some of the root servers and in-addr servers are already giving AAAA to themselves. They're still not giving it to the user domains one level up, but a.gtld-servers.net has an AAAA record for itself. a> If there's customer demand, I can probably sell v6 transit... please do! by now maybe I am not the only one. me> I'll pay you $50 a> Eh, that doesn't quite bump it in the priorities list, heh, no kidding. if I can soon get v6 back somehow (from Robin, from a special deal with he.net, from James, from SixxS, something), I could offer to maintain tunnels for your customers. I mean you could just refer them to me. Usually the traffic is so small I wouldn't mind paying for it (though I might want to avoid paying twice, for intra-pilosoft traffic). By the time traffic gets large enough I can't afford it, it's probably also large enough to be a higher priority for you.
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