I confronted Mr. Thomas ``ShallaX'' Pedley (if that even is his real name, har har) about his consistent failure to distribute source code for his modified releases of Cromwell, which he has now wallpapered ``GentooX Loader''. Below are copies of the substance of our exchange.
A lot of people have been looking for source code to the Gentoox Loader a.k.a. Gentoox Cromwell. In addition to KLining me from his private irc server for asking for Gentoox Loader source, Mr. Pedley has also blocked my host from his web server, so I had to download the sources from another machine and make a local copy. Here's what I eventually got:
What's Pedley's response to all this? He's posted links to the source from a news posting, in which I guess a ``magic ban'' means a ban from the ``Magic Repository'' from which his patches are distributed. He has so many different kinds of bans. so, don't ask for source, or you'll lose your access to the machine distributing source. You can ask other people, but no one in the ``forums'' knows where the source is, and Google can't find it. Instead, you have to find it without asking. Pedley is the only one who knows its secret location, but if you ask him, he'll take it away! so, no cheating. Go! Find the source! Good luck!
Anyway I'm going to call the above collection of software the IvyX KLeetLodar. It's the latest in easy-to-use XBox-booting software, now with the most advanced GPL compliance EVAR.
Now you'll have to excuse me while I go CODE. I'm so exhausted from packaging these fantastic .tar.gz's with correct patches that apply with -p1 and don't include CVS garbage and aren't hidden on sooper seekrit port 2000 web servers, and sources that aren't inside Windows .rar files, that I really need to rest so that I can do more great work for all of your Linux enjoyment. Now remember to give me feedback on whether or not you think my work is fantastic! Of course if your feedback is disruptive, I'll have to remove your forum posts and ban you from my private irc server irc.2600.net which I run myself because I can't add KLines on Freenode.
Happy XBoxing everyone! You're so welcome! Kisses! Mwwah! Mwuah! Oh, I love all my fans so much!