Please think of an animal. I will then ask a series of questions to try to figure out what you are. (At the moment, I know about 55 different animals.) Please click on YES or NO to answer each question.
This first question asks whether you are a mammal. A lot of animals are mammals, from the rhinocerous to the horse to the tiny shrew. Some of the unusual Australian animals are marsupial mammals, such as the kangaroo and the wombat. A few mammals even live in the sea (whales, dolphins, and porpoises). Even people are mammals!
How do you know whether you are a mammal? Mammals are warm-blooded animals and most mammals have some hair or fur. A mammal baby is fed with it's mother's milk, and usually the babies are born live--although two kinds of mammals lay eggs instead (the echidna and the duck-billed platypus). But most egg-layers (such as birds and snakes) are not mammals.
/ carton's page / Miles Nordin <carton@Ivy.NET>
Last updated 1998-03-20.