carton's page
One Night of Work
2006-10-08 carton
2006-10-22 carton
2006-11-05 carton
2006-11-19 carton
2006-12-03 carton
2006-12-17 carton
2007-01-14 carton
2007-01-28 carton
2007-02-11 carton
2007-02-25 carton
2007-03-11 carton
2007-03-25 carton
2007-04-08 carton
2007-04-22 carton
Solaris installfest
How to reach me
DeCSS decoy from Pigdog
GentooX GPL Compliance Lab
Request for Gentoox Loader source code via email
Request for Gentoox Loader source code via IRC
Cromwell source
Gentoox Cromwell source patches to above
How to install plain Gentoo, not GentooX, on the XBox
What is the problem with Cromwell and Revision 1.6 XBoxes?
Internet vs. Interweb
DSL vs. cable
Free speech insurance for all
Java, Language of Tomorrow
Unix retrospective
Comparison of Metricom's Ricochet system and 3G ``cellular'' radio
Mesh Networks's Mea, architecturally similar to Ricochet but with a couple neat new ideas
Rebuttal to the predictable objection that the two systems can't be compared because Ricochet is a packet-switched ``data service'' while 3G is a ``phone service'' or a ``hybrid'' circuit- and packet-switched service
Some conecessions and predictions about future work
Debunking the ridiculous obsession with mediocre 802.11 gear
L3 switches are great
Terminology and survey -- what is an L3 switch?
why all high-speed networks need to be switched, why ``busses'' are doomed
Why the routing protocols used in L2 switches, while cheap and convenient, are doomed
Replacing VLAN-like function with L3 switches
Why switching needs to be done by custom ASIC's, not by a CPU connected to some Ethernet MAC's
QoS on L3 switches
TCP extensions and L3 switching
Digression about an extension we need in the BSD sockets API to accomodate modern networks like FC and IB
gotchya of current L3 switches compared to their L2 predecessors---IPv6 multicast doesn't work
Incomplete cheatsheet for understanding MTU settings on ExtremeWare 7.x
Fixed-node-location wireless meshes for the last mile
Comparison of ATM QoS with IP QoS
Using optical and radio along the same signal path is dumb
30 - 60 GHz ``picocellular'' mobile networks won't work
Speculation on a convergence of language tools and computer architecture, as opposed to the current situation where neither cooperates with the other's evolution
Lisp runtimes aren't really written in Lisp the same way C compilers are written in C.
Cogent/Level3 depeering
Sun sucks
Wireless data in the US
The importance of ``push'' applications
Issues with ringing email sidekick
How to design a good cel handset for data
Clean config files for NCDware 3.x X terminals
Mailing list postings
and IPv6 nerd mafia
Miles Nordin's resume for Cisco
editable Microsoft Word
printable Microsoft Word
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Miles Nordin's resume for Unix Sysadmin
editable Microsoft Word
printable Microsoft Word
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vintage computing machinery
prose collection
Written for Ivy Ministries about their data recovered from a marginal disk
Why Linux made the disk crash much worse than it needed to be
``You're welcome to stay as long as you like.''
-- Bato
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carton's page
/ Miles Nordin
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